Innovage Consulting is an innovative boutique consulting based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Utilising an international network of top experts and vendors, Innovage Consulting offers unique innovative consulting, training and technologies to businesses and organisations.

In the area of GDPR Compliance, our unique full scale consulting support, includes recommendations for the adoption of well selected and evaluated, top technologies. These technologies, presented here, can support your GDPR challenges of in the most efficient and effective way.

Data Discovery

GDPR requires businesses to know where their data is across the whole organization and be able to report when required to, secure them if not secured and monitor them.

How the software is used: Once installed as an appliance locally, you then access a dashboard which you can select the targets to be scanned for sensitive data and with a click of a button the system starts scanning all targets. Any sensitive information found is instantly displayed, where it has been found, get email alerts while scanning or after a scheduled scan. Output GDPR compliant Reporting for data found in multiple formats like PDF.

This is a yearly subscription-based appliance solution, but is one of its kind and Gartner and over 2500 companies verify this plus the company’s 20+ years’ experience in sensitive data discovery.

In a matter of hours you will know where your data is, who’s using it, overview how to handle it by assigning to relevant departments and keep monitoring it. You can further take action on the discovered data and remediate them, by deleting, quarantine, masking or encrypting.

You can also do a data subject search and find all their sensitive information throughout your network and print it!

Finally, this solution has 95% accuracy on finding the data compared to other competitive solutions.

If you want to learn more fill out the form and we will contact you very soon.

Network Security

GDPR require a business to prove they have taken security measures for securing personal data by regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing and being able to respond to breaches and recover from them.

How the software is used: Once an agent is installed, information starts being retrieved as logs from all devices across the network. This information is then sent to a data center where it is correlated and cross-referenced with other external sources, false positives are removed by human experts and only alerts are being sent back to you for remediation/fix.

This is a yearly subscription-based SAAS system, but is highly rated as one of the best SIEM solutions by Gartner and its global enterprise customers.

Block every security hole in every network device you have before any attack will take place. Monitor your whole network from a single dashboard and take actions before things start creeping into your business.

If you want to learn more fill out the form and we will contact you very soon.

Manage your GDPR compliance process

GDPR requires businesses to know how their data flow and have reports for PIA (privacy impact assessment) and DPIA (data protection i. a.). Businesses must also develop their own privacy procedures and flows and define how personal data is used and accessed.

How the software is used: As a module-based system, you can select any of the modules to use depending on your company needs and you can start integrating the system into your business procedures visually building data flow maps, gap analysis, data management, DPIA and PIA and comply to GDPR article 30 & 35.

This is a yearly subscription-based SAAS system and rated as one of the top compliance platforms with over 1000 global enterprise clients plus the company’s 20+ years’ experience in the field.

Identify gaps, assess risk and build your GDPR (and other) compliance plan from a single Dashboard and rest in peace once everything starts running smoothly in your business.

If you want to learn more fill out the form and we will contact you very soon.

Web applications and secure code protection

GDPR requires businesses to prove they have taken measures to protect data privacy throughout the processing by implementing appropriate technical and organisational measures and integrate the necessary safeguards into the processing and ensure that by default personal data are not made accessible without the individual’s intervention.

How the software is used: Once the system is set-up within your business environment, you can start scanning your source-code, website or mobile app and any in-secure code is sent to a 24/7/365 data operations center which is both a machine and human intelligence center, where it is verified and false positives removed. Alerts are then sent back to you to remediate and block the security hole(s).

This is a subscription-based SAAS or appliance system, top in its expertise verified by Gartner and the over 1000 global enterprise clients, plus the company’s 17+ years’ experience in the field.

Take security measures for your business before hackers take over it, secure your source-code, websites, web-applications and mobile-apps.

If you want to learn more fill out the form and we will contact you very soon.

If you want to learn more about our technologies please fill the form below and we will contact you very soon.

t: +357 22485607